• President- Roy Antadillas Perigault
    Business manager. With 35 years of experience in international negotiations Selective International Perfumes partner. Board member of the Central Mirage in the Colon Free Zone. Member of the Maritime Chamber of Panama. Member of International Supplier Association.
  • Assistant to the President- Geovani Morales


    Vast experience in the area of the Colon Free Zone in secretarial work as assistant Presidency focused on the areas of sales, purchasing , customer and suppliers ; commercial traffic and shipping logistics : import , re -export , etc.Degree in Secretarial and Office Management
  • Treasury - Silvia de Valencia
    Graduated from the Interamerican University of Panama, in the field of Business Administration, with specialization in accounting title. Management and franchising consultant with over 15 years experience in the field of accounting acquired in manufacturing, restaurants and distributors
  • Sales- Alexis Rivera
    With 10 years of experience in the maritime field , attracting large international companies for the sale of provisions, housing items , " stores bonded " with the purpose of supplying ships transiting the Panama Canal and docking at different ports from the country
  • Operations
    Yeysireth cubilla Quotes
    Hector Martinez Logistic Assistant/ Boarding
    Abdel Escudero Chief of Logistics


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